Esta es la lista de cotejo que vas a copiar y pegar en tu portafolio de evidencias..
Lista de Cotejo Semana 1
Capturas de duolingo 7.....1
Capturas de wordbit 250 palabras mínimo...1
Verbos en tu cuaderno 45 minimo.........1
Audios 4............................................ 1
Tabla de estructuras ................ 1
Comentario en ingles en este blog .....3
Actividad ConstruyeT......................... 1
Estas actividades las calificaremos en la semana del 6 al 10 de Septiembre en la última clase hábil que tengamos....
Para empezar un tema hay que romper el hielo, pues veamos que hay de ti...
1.Observa el siguiente video y repitelo!!!
Enviame el audio en whatsapp, Te vas a Grabar en dos momentos diferentes , una sin practicar y otra cuando lo hayas hecho en total DOS VECES ,cuando lo grabes puede ser al mismo tiempo que lo reproduces, es un ejercicio de listening and speaking
para lo cual escribe un mensaje previo antes de enviar el audio para saber que contiene,..ejemplo:
Teacher This is the audio greetings and farewells/ Miss este es el audio del video de Saludos y despedidas.
Tomarás captura y las imprimes en pequeño para tu portafolio.para accesar da click en el enlace NO en la foto, y espera un poquito tarda en aparecer la imagen es solo de referencia
Estas actividades las calificaremos en la semana del 6 al 10 de Septiembre en la última clase hábil que tengamos....
Para empezar un tema hay que romper el hielo, pues veamos que hay de ti...
1.Observa el siguiente video y repitelo!!!
Enviame el audio en whatsapp, Te vas a Grabar en dos momentos diferentes , una sin practicar y otra cuando lo hayas hecho en total DOS VECES ,cuando lo grabes puede ser al mismo tiempo que lo reproduces, es un ejercicio de listening and speaking
para lo cual escribe un mensaje previo antes de enviar el audio para saber que contiene,..ejemplo:
Teacher This is the audio greetings and farewells/ Miss este es el audio del video de Saludos y despedidas.
Tomarás captura y las imprimes en pequeño para tu portafolio.para accesar da click en el enlace NO en la foto, y espera un poquito tarda en aparecer la imagen es solo de referencia
2.Observa este video y repitelo!!!
Enviame el audio en whatsapp, Te vas a Grabar en dos momentos diferentes , una sin practicar y otra cuando lo hayas hecho en total DOS VECES
para lo cual escribe un mensaje de texto previo, antes de que envies el audio ..ejemplo:
Teacher This is te audio of how to introduce myself/ Miss este es el audio del video de Como presentarse en Ingles,para accesar da click en el enlace NO en la foto, y espera un poquito tarda en aparecer la imagen es solo de referencia
Tomarás captura para tu portafolio y las imprimirás en pequeño
en la misma página esta escrito el contenido, atrevete a explorarlo....
2. Una vez que enviaste los Audios y reflexión escribiras aqui en este blog un comentario
Debe ser un texto Breve En Ingles respecto a tu información Personal,nombre, grupo, edad, de donde eres (Recuerda no deberas ser especifico en este punto ya que se queda en internet Cuidado!!), gustos e ideales para tu vida. Debes responder a dos de tus compañeros mínimo
observa estos puntos .. este es el aprendizaje esperado así es que tiene mucho valor...
Presentarse en inglés profesionalmente: Consejos
Si quieres presentarte en inglés como un profesional, es conveniente que sigas estos consejos:
- Prepara tu presentación. Escribe en un papel qué vas a decir, tú mejor que nadie sabe quién eres y a qué te dedicas, pero no debes dejar nada a la suerte.
- Sé breve. Tu presentación no debe ser muy larga, no se trata de dar un discurso, ni de detallar punto a punto tu curriculum vitae.
- Repite tu nombre un par de veces. Mucha gente tiene verdaderas dificultades para recordar el nombre de la persona que acaba de conocer, si durante la conversación mencionas tu nombre un par de veces les será mucho más fácil.
- Habla alto y claro. El inglés es tu segundo idioma, hazlo fácil para ti y para quien te escucha, no hables para el cuello de tu camisa.
- Adapta tu presentación al contexto en el que te encuentres. No vale aprenderse tres frases de memoria y soltarlas como un papagayo cada vez que surja la ocasión. No es lo mismo una reunión de trabajo informal, una entrevista, o una reunión con un cliente.
3. Tabla de estructuras en hoja de máquina y dentro de protector plástico..
4. Actividad ConstruyeT.... Durante la semana realizaremos la actividad 2.2 del Programa ConstruyeT de la dimensión Autoconocimiento. "Mis metas personales a corto, mediano y largo plazo".
Debes descargarla e imprimirla la realizaremos en la semana. sigue la liga
imagen sólo de referencia da click en la liga... Deberás dejar un comentario en la página de construyeT, ese lo calificaré la proxima semana, ya sabes toma captura, nombre y cbta1
OJO es la 2.2 da click ahi, por favor!!!
5. Puntos extra!!!
Valor .25
sigue el link y resuelve los ejercicios..
No Olvides
- Seguir practicando Duolingo, y wordbit, revisa y captura e imprime tus avances.
- Tu Tarea Permanente!!
Por favor registra tu entrada comentando tu nombre en comentarios...!!!
sigue el link y resuelve los ejercicios..
No Olvides
- Seguir practicando Duolingo, y wordbit, revisa y captura e imprime tus avances.
- Tu Tarea Permanente!!
Por favor registra tu entrada comentando tu nombre en comentarios...!!!
Alberto Originales Hernández
ResponderEliminarana karen de leon zarate
ResponderEliminarJaime Martinez Ramos
ResponderEliminarhello mi name is Jaime Martinez Ramos i study in the cbta in 1 semestre seccion m
Eliminarin live in ten i am 15 years old i like to be on the computer
what is your name?
where are you from?
what do you like?
hello mi name is José Antonio Zavala Sánchez i study in the cbta in 1 semestre seccion m
Eliminarin live in ten i am 15 years old i like to be on the computer
what is your name?
where are you from?
what do you like?
Sandra Paola Madrid Silva
ResponderEliminarhello mi name is José Antonio Zavala Sánchez i study in the cbta in 1 semestre seccion i
Eliminarin live in ten i am 15 years old i like to be on the computer
what is your name?
where are you from?
what do you like?
Ulises Santana
ResponderEliminarhello mi name is José Antonio Zavala Sánchez i study in the cbta in 1 semestre seccion i
Eliminarin live in ten i am 15 years old i like to be on the computer
what is your name?
where are you from?
what do you like?
Mi name is Daniel Arturo Adame Montoya of 1°I I am from Monte Alegre Study un CBTa 1 I am 15 years and like play soccer
EliminarDioselin Rios Rodriguez
ResponderEliminarHello dioselin
EliminarMy mame is Gisela Valdez Arguello
I'm 14 years
I'm from Matamoros Coahuila
I'm have 2 brothers
I like yo play games
What is tour mame ?
Where are you from ?
What do you like?
hello Gisela my name is jaime and I live in ejido ana what I like is pizza
EliminarOsiris alberto sandoval
ResponderEliminarhello mi name is José Antonio Zavala Sánchez i study in the cbta in 1 semestre seccion i
Eliminarin live in ten i am 15 years old i like to be on the computer
what is your name?
where are you from?
what do you like?
karely cuenca
ResponderEliminarHi, my name is Luis Fernando i'm in 1°G of the CBTA i live in Torreon Coahuila i like to to play games
EliminarHello my name is milton antonio miller ramirez I'm from 1E and I live I like to play soccer I have 5 What is your name? Where are your from? What do you like?
EliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
EliminarHello karely My name is Marian Garcia Cazares, I am froom coyote coahuila
ResponderEliminarHi Evelyn nice to meet you.
EliminarMy name is Sofia
Alberto Originales Hernández "1 E"
ResponderEliminarEjido San Antonio Del Coyote
hello mi name is José Antonio Zavala Sánchez i study in the cbta in 1 semestre seccion i
Eliminarin live in ten i am 15 years old i like to be on the computer
what is your name?
where are you from?
what do you like?
Azul adamari Vazquez 1-D ejido el fenix
ResponderEliminarhello azul my name is jesus armando vivi in the coyote
EliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
EliminarAzul adamari Vazquez 1-D ejido el fenix
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
EliminarHi Adamari nice to meet you.
EliminarMy name is Sofia
Hi adamari my name is Rafael
ResponderEliminarMy name Is raul Javier im from Matamoros México y dos compañeros que mencionaré son César González y Ricardo Álvarez
ResponderEliminara taste Raúl
EliminarHi Raúl
EliminarMy mame is:Dioselin Rios Rodríguez
Im from:Torreón Coahuila
Im 15 years los
I have 1 brothers
Im like to play station
My name is alexis guerrero
ResponderEliminarMy name is Brayan Alamos Ramos y mencionare a Cesar Gonzalez y Ricardo Alvarez
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminara taste Analía
EliminarMy name is Arlett Sarahí Ramos Casas
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
EliminarHi, my name is Luis Fernando i'm in 1°G of the CBTA i live in Torreon Coahuila i like to to play games
EliminarHi, my name is Sandra í am from 1°G of the CBTA 1 La partida í Live in Matamoros and like play soccer
EliminarMy name is Jorge I am from Torreón Coahuila I live through the woods Venustiano Carranza I have a sister and I live with my pasres
ResponderEliminar1J Jorge Antonio navaNav Marín
Hi Jorge, my name is xiomara , I am a from 1" E"an live
EliminarI have 2 brothers
I like to play soccer
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarMy name is Jorge 1 I. My from Torreón. I like and playing bascketball
EliminarMy name is Lorena
Im from Torreón
Im from Cbta1 1"i"
In like music
My name is jonathan
Eliminarim fron torreon
I like play soccer and beisbol
Hello, My name is Ulises Santana, I'm from Torreon, Coah. I am from the "1I" group, and I am fifteen years old, and my ideals are to be a professional baseball player.
ResponderEliminarHello Ulises🖐️
EliminarHi my name is xiomara , I am a from 1" E"an live
EliminarI have 2 brothers
I like to play soccer
Eliminarmy name is jonathan
I am 15 years
i like to play soccer and beisbol
My name is Alberto Originales Hernández of 1 E.
ResponderEliminarI am from San Antonio del Coyote, i am fourteen years old and i live with my mother and my father
Hi Alberto, my name is Sandra í am form 1°G of the CBTA 1 La partida i am Live in Matamoros and like play soccer
EliminarRodolfo Ernesto Herrera Hernández
ResponderEliminarHi, i am Alejandro 1”E” i am from ej. La Partida Torreon Coah. I live with my mother,aún and grand father
ResponderEliminarHi alejandro , my name is laisha , i living torreon coahuila , i like to nothing in special
EliminarHello Alejandro
EliminarMy name is Gisela Valdez Arguello
I'm 14 years
I'm from Matamoros Coahuila
I'm have 2 brothers
I like yo play músic
EliminarHello Alejandro
my name is Jaime
I live in ejido anna
I like pizza
Edgar Arturo Hurtado Espinoza
ResponderEliminarHi, mi name is Luis Fernando 1° G I'm in of the CBTA ando th from Torreon Coahuila
ResponderEliminarHi, my name is Héctor
EliminarIm in 1°K of the CBTA
I live in Torreón Coahuila
¿What do hoy like?
Hi mi name is Juan un 1G of te cbta i like to play games what to you like
EliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarHi, mi name is jorge 1°H I'm in of the CBTA 1 ando th from matamoros coah I live whiy my mother and grand father
ResponderEliminarHi Jorge...
EliminarMy mame is:Dioselin Rios Rodríguez
Im from:Torreón Coahuila
I study in the CBTA 1
Group 1"H"
Hi my name is yazlin i am srudy in CBTA1 1H I am 14 years old
EliminarHi,My Name is José Ángel Alvarado
ResponderEliminarl'm in 1-G of the CBTA i Live ln
Torreón Coahuila
Hi jose angel , my name is laisha , i living torreon coahuila , i like to nothing in special
EliminarHelou my name is Evelyne robles,¿whats your name?
Eliminari'am 15 years old¿How old are you?
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarmy name is laisha michelle 1I i am of the CBTA1 i live in torreon coahuila , i am 16 years old , i like to nothing.... ¿what is your name ?
ResponderEliminar¿where are you from ?
¿what do you like?
Hi, my name Is Arleth 1G, i am the cbta 1, i live in El Cambio, i am 15 years old, i like play soccer
EliminarHi, my mame Is Arleth, i am study un Cbta 1, i am 15 Yeard, and i like play soccer
EliminarHi, my name is Sandra í am Live in Matamoros,l'm study in cbta 1 i am 14 years los and i like play soccer and lisent yo music
EliminarMy name os Lorena
EliminarIm from Torreón
Im 15 year
I like to music
Hi, my name is Dianary 1J, I am from Bonito Juárez, I like Sing and dance
EliminarHi my name is yazlin i am study in CBTA1 1 H
ResponderEliminarHi, my mame Is Arleth, i am study un Cbta 1, i am 15 Yeard, and i like play soccer
ResponderEliminarMi name is Hannia Cedillo Perez of 1°E I am from Monte Alegre Study un CBTa 1 I am 14 yeard and like play soccer
ResponderEliminarHello mi name is Diana Paola I'am from 1E an I like miusic I have 1 brother and 2 Sisters I like to playa soccer
EliminarWaths tour name?
Were are you from?
Weth do you like?
EliminarHello I am osiris sandoval ,I am from matamoros coahuila and I like to listen music
EliminarHelou my name is Evelyne robles,¿whats your name?
Eliminari'am 15 years old¿How old are you?
Mi name is Michel Sánchez of 1L
ResponderEliminarI am from Monte Alegre Coah. Study in CBTa, I like listen to music
Hello I am osiris sandoval,I am from matamros coahuila and I like to listen music
EliminarMy name is Diana Yaneth Moreno Ramirez of 1E i am from Ej. La partida, coah. Study in CBTA 1, I am 14 yeard, and lkike to music
ResponderEliminarHi I'm milton miller ramirez I'm from CBTA1 in Ist semestre of Hingh shool I'm 14 years,and like to play soccer
ResponderEliminarMy name is Sonia Daniela Arias Morales
ResponderEliminarI am 16 years old
I live in ejido la concha
Hi'My Name Is Diana Paola Hernández Martinez im from Cbta 1 .
ResponderEliminarI'am 15 years .
I am from En.Ana
Like to soccer
Hello my name is Diego alberto tavares Gomes
EliminarIm from cbta1
I'am 15 years
I al from torreón
Like to soccer
Hello mi name is osiris sandoval,I am from matamoros coahuila and I like to listen music
EliminarHi my name is xiomara Cortinas Hernandez
ResponderEliminarI'm from matamoros
I am 15 years old
I am from cbta 1
Grupo 1 "e"
Hi, my name is renata, i am from 1F:)
EliminarHi muy name is Diego Alberto Tavares Gomez
ResponderEliminarI'm from torreón
I am 15 years old
I ami cbta 1
Grupo 1K
Like yo soccer
Hi, My name is Rodolfo Ernesto herrera Hernandez
ResponderEliminarI studi in Cbta 1
I live in Matamoros Coahuila
Iam 15 years old
i like to play videogame
Hi Rodolfo
EliminarMy name Is Fernando Sandoval
I'm from 1k
I have 15 year hold
I like to basseball
My name is Isac Ismael,i i´m from 1j,i like music and take sad music,draw,etc
ResponderEliminarI live in the ejido extension of peru that has the nickname "sausage",i have 4 sisters.
Hi my mame is Brayan Israel,
ResponderEliminari'm from 1k
I studi in cbta 1
I live un torreon Coahuila
I am 15 years old
I like to gym
Hi Bryan
Eliminarmy name Is Fernando Sandoval
I'm from 1k
I like to basseball
Hi my name is Osiris Sandoal
ResponderEliminarI study in 1st L OF THE CBTA1
Im have 15 years old
I live in matamoros , coahuila
I like to listen music
Whats your name?,Where are you from?,What do you like
Hello osiris, my name is renata, i am from 1F
EliminarHi, my name Is Fernando Sandoval
ResponderEliminarI'm from 1K
I study in Cbta 1
I live in Torreón
I like in basseball
I have 15year olf
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
EliminarHello Fernando, i'm Dayana.
Eliminari'm form 1 'j'
i like music and art.
i'm 14 yeras old.
My name is Danna Lorena
ResponderEliminarIm from Torreón Cbta1
I am 1"i" year old
Im glad of construyen
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
EliminarHello Danna, i'm Dayana of 1 'j'.
Eliminari'm 14 years old.
i like art and music.
hello my name is jesus armando live in the united states estudy in cbta 1 i like the soccer ball and i am 15 years old
ResponderEliminarHi Jesus
EliminarMy name is Omar Sandoval
I'm from 1K
I have 15 year old
I like to basseball
Hi, i'm Dayana Valenzuela, i like art, music, drawing and singing.
ResponderEliminari live in Mexico, whit my parents and sisters.
i'm studying in CBTA1.
1° "J"
Hello Dayana my name is Dianary
EliminarHello Dyana, my name is Yesenia.
EliminarI'm from Torreón.
I like play soccer and music.
Hi, my name is renata molina i am from Mexico.
ResponderEliminarHi Renata
EliminarMy name is Omar Sandoval
I'm from 1K
I have 15 year old
I like to basseball
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
EliminarHello Renata
ResponderEliminarMy name is Monse Ramirez i'm from torreon coahuila, study un high school i'm in “1F"
hello renata my name i's arturo rivera and you?
EliminarHi, my name is Omar Sandoval
ResponderEliminarI'm from 1K
I study in Cbta 1
I live in Torreón
I like in basseball
I have 15 year old
Hi omar, my name is michelle contreras, Nice ti meet you.
EliminarHello, my name is elisabet ortiz
Eliminarim from 1°E and I live
I have 3 brothers
I like to play soccer
wats your name?
wat are you from?
wat do you like?
Hello Elisabet
EliminarMy Name Is Daniela
I Live In Torreón
I Like To Sleep
Hi, my name is michelle i'm from México.
ResponderEliminarHi, Michelle
EliminarMy name is Dania Dominguez, how are you?
Hi Michelle, my name is Yesenia.
EliminarI'm in 1 "J", how are you?
hi i am jonathan gael gonzalez
ResponderEliminari am from terreon cbta 1
I am 15 years old
I am of construyet
Hi, Jonathan
EliminarMy name is Dania Dominguez, how are you?
Hi, my name is Dania Dominguez
ResponderEliminarI am 15 years old, i live in Torreón and i study in CBTa1 high school, in the grade of 1 “G”
hi my name is arturo rivera and you?
EliminarHi Dania
EliminarMy name is Dana
Haw are you?❤
hello my name is arturo rivera of 1D ibam from senderos in cbta no.1 i am 17 yeard and like to play soccer
ResponderEliminarHi my name is Rodolfo said
ResponderEliminarl AM 14 years old,í live torreón and í study in CBTA 1 HIGH school,in the grade of 1-"L"
My name is toño Iam from monte alegre Iam years 14 I like to soccer grade 1"i"
ResponderEliminarMy name is toño Iam from monte alegre Iam years 14 I like to soccer grade 1"i"
ResponderEliminarMy name is Dianary I'm have 15 years old I'm from Benito Juárez, I like Sing and dance
ResponderEliminarHi Dianary
EliminarMuy name is Dana Dominguez, how are you?
Hi, muy name is Daña Dominguez
ResponderEliminarI am 14 years old, i live un torreón andy i study in CBTa1 high school, un the grade 1° "G"
Hello, My name is Juan Eduviel
ResponderEliminarIn the grade of“1D” I live Torreón coah. I like football,
I am years 15
Study in CBTA1
What is your name?
EliminarWhere are yoy from?
What do you like?
Hi milton
EliminarMy name is milton miller
how are you?
My name is Jose Manuel
EliminarI from in Congregación Hidalgo
I like horses
Hi,my name is alexis guerrero i am 14 years old, i live in torreon,i study in cbta 1 in the grade of 1 L
ResponderEliminarWhat is your name?
ResponderEliminarWhere are your from?
What do you like?
Mi name is alexis
EliminarI from in torreon
I like fotball
Mi name is Jose
EliminarI from in Congregación Hidalgo
I like horses
Hi my name is Rafael Martínez Hernández i’m From coyote
ResponderEliminarHi, my name is Héctor
EliminarIm in 1°K of the CBTA
I live in Torreón Coahuila
¿What do hoy like?
Hi mu name is Jose Manuel González i'm From Congregación Hidalgo
ResponderEliminarHi my name is Jose Manuel González i'm From Congregación Hidalgo
ResponderEliminarWhat is your name?
ResponderEliminarWhere are you from?
What do you like?
hello my name is zaide
ResponderEliminarI live in peace
I'm from group 1-D
Hello my name is ximena ontiveros
EliminarI'am 15 years old
I'am from Ej.La paz
Study i'm the CBTa1
Grade and section.1"D"
Hello Ximena, my name is Martin Acosta, iam 16 year old, iam from torreon, fracc ana, study im the CBTA1
EliminarHello Ximena, my name is Martin Acosta, iam 16 year old, iam from torreon, fracc ana, study im the CBTA1
EliminarHi, my name is Héctor i'm in 1°K of the CBTA i live in Torreón Coahuila í like to to draw
ResponderEliminarHi mi name is Juan un 1G of te cbta i like to play games what to you like
EliminarHi muy name is Yahir Alejandro Uribe I'm from jardines del sol
ResponderEliminarI like ajedrez
Hello! Yahir
EliminarMi name is victor arguijo
I`m from torreon
16 years
Study at harvard higt school
Hi, my name is Juan alberto i'm in 1°G of the CBTA i live in Torreon Coahuila i like to to play games
ResponderEliminarMy name is Ricardo Alvarez from 1F and I live in Torreon Coahuila y mencionaré a César González y Raúl Javier
ResponderEliminarHi Hello
ResponderEliminarMy name is Octavio Sandoval Duron
I 16 years old
I live in torreon
I like to listento music
I like to constuyet
My name is Yesenia Rivera
ResponderEliminarI'm from torreón.
I'm 15 year old.
I'm in 1 "J".
I like to play soccer.
Eliminarhello Yeresia
mi name is jaquelin hernandez
i'm from houston
16 years
study at havard higt school
Hello my name is ximena ontiveros
EliminarI'am 15 years old
I'am from Ej.La paz
Study i'm the CBTa1
Grade and section.1"D"
Hello! my name is victor manuel arguijo orozco
ResponderEliminarI live in torreon
and I like to play baseball
I'm in the group of 1- D
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Eliminarhello VICTOR
mi name is jaquelin hernandez
i'm from houston
16 years
study at havard higt school
EliminarHelou my name is lizbeth rodriguez
I'am 15 years old
I'am from Ej.él cambio
Study I'm the CBTa 1
Grade and section. 1D
what is your name?
Eliminarwhere are your from?
what do you like?
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarmi name is jaquelin hernandez
i'm froom houston 16 years
study at havard high school
1 D
hello my name is elisabet
Eliminarim from 1°E and i live
I have 3 brothers
I like to play soccer
wats your name?
wat are you from?
wat you do like?
Hello My Name Is Daniela
EliminarI Live In Torreón
I Like To Sleep
Helou my name is Lizbeth rodriguez
I'am 15 years old
I'am from Ej. él cambio
Study I'm the CBTa 1
Grade and section. 1D
ResponderEliminarI'm Elisabet ortiz
I'm from CBTA1 in Ist semestre of hig school
I'm 14 years old.
grade: 1°E
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarHi Alicia
EliminarMy name is Yahir
I study un the cbta1,in 1j,i like the boleybol
ResponderEliminarMy name is Gisela Valdez Arguello
I'm 14 years
I'm from Matamoros Coahuila
Study I'm the cbta 1
Grade : 1H
Helou my name is Evelyne Robles
ResponderEliminarI'am 15 years old
I'am from Ej.La partida
Study I'm the CBTa 1
Grade and section. 1D
Hello! Evelyn
EliminarMi name is victor arguijo
I`m from torreon
16 years
Study at harvard higt school
Hello Evelyn,
EliminarMi name is Martin Acosta
I'm from torreon,fracc ana
16 years
Study at harvard higt school CBTA1
Hello Evelyn,
EliminarMi name is Martin Acosta
I'm from torreon,fracc ana
16 years
Study at harvard higt school CBTA1
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarHello My Name Is Daniela
ResponderEliminarI'Study In The Cbta 1
In I Semestre:1 Sección:M
I Live In Torreón
I Am 16 Year Old, Hice To Meet You
I Like To Dormir
¿What Is Your Name?
Wheve are You from?
¿Wat Do You Like?
Hello Daniela
EliminarMy Name Is Ivan
I Live In Torreón
I Like Play Soccer
Hello mi ñame is César Geovanni Castañeda Palma
ResponderEliminarI like to play fotball
I like In ejido la esperanza
I estudy cbta in 1 semestre sección J
15 year
Hello Cesar
EliminarMy name is Diane
Mi like music
I am from Ej.20 de Noviembre
I have 14 years
Helou my name is lizbeth rodriguez
I'am 15 years old
I'am from Ej.el cambio
Study I'm the CBTa 1
Grade and section. 1D
ResponderEliminarMi name is Diane
I'm from 1"I"
I am from Ej.20 de Noviembre
I like music
¿What is you'r name?
¿Where are you from?
¿What do you like?
Hi diane i am Sofía 1j ej. Ana i like animals
Eliminarmy name is Maria and I study in cbta in 1j, and I like to build i live in coyote, i am 15 year old, i like to soccer, sleep, and listen to music
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarMy name is Sofía i study in the cbta 1 semestre 1j i like animals and music i live in with my family and dog
ResponderEliminarHello my name is aldo fco ramos mendoza I am 15 years old, I am in 1 semester section "C" in CBTa1 I like to play soccer.
ResponderEliminarHello my name is Martin Javier Acosta Moreno I am 16 years old,i am in1 semester section "D" in CBTA1 i like to play soccer
ResponderEliminarHi my name is Yahir Alejandro,i am 15 years,i am in 1 semestre section"j"in cbta1 i like ti play boleybol
ResponderEliminarMy name is Josue Altamira, i am 15 years , i study CBTa 1 , i am in 1 semestre section "J" , i like the plah soccer
ResponderEliminarMy name is: Analia Montaño.
I'm in 1°G of the CBTa.
I like to play soccer.
What is your name? Where ere you from? What do you like to do?
Hello My Name Is Ivan
ResponderEliminarI'Study In The Cbta 1
In I Semestre:1 Sección:M
I Live In Torreón
I Am 16 Year Old, Hice To Meet You
I Like Play Soccer
¿What Is Your Name?
Wheve are You from?
¿Wat Do You Like?