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A lo largo de este Semestre en esta página irás encontrando las actividades que vamos a desarrollar
Te presento el programa de nuestro Curso de Ingles I
Purpose of the Disciplinary Area of Communication
The basic disciplinary
competence of communication is related to the student´s ability to communicate
effectively in Spanish and in a second language in different contexts, using
distinct means and instruments.
The learners who have
developed this competence can read critically, communicate and support his/her
own ideas in an effective way with clear speaking and writing. In addition to
these, they will use the information and communication technologies with a
critical thinking for different purposes.
The competence of communication leads to analyze
the nature of the language
and as a tool for logical thinking.
2. Purpose of the Subject
At the end of the first semester, the students will use the elements of language to express the activities they are doing now, in the past,
and to share or request
personal information from other people with simple phrases and
tasks that require a simple and direct exchange of information of their
environment and immediate needs. In addition, they will continue practicing the language skills
to achieve an efficient interaction with students and to promote the collaborative work with others.
The key learning points that English I helps to develop are:
Key Learning Points
Students will communicate, interact,
and collaborate with others (transverse axis for all subjects from
Communication and Social Sciences as disciplinary
Communication: interpersonal relationships
Integration of learning communities
Contextualization of learning
communities through students' interests and academic experiences
Collaborative work in classroom as a
basis for the integration of the learning community.
Reading, writing and oral
production as learning sources and abilities practice.
The importance of language and grammar
in it
speaking and listening.
importance of reading to writing
Argumentative text
importance of reading to writing in based argument
text as resource
and new ideas
Key Learning Points
Providing reasonable opinions from the point of making a
The justification of the student’s
opinion with an argument.
solid construction of one´s original perspective
The argumentative writing.
The original argumentative writing
Technology, information, communication
and learning.
and human development
Generation and responsible use
of information for learning
Web-based learning
Creation of contents for learning
Use of technology to enhance web-based
impact of technology on human development
Responsible use of information
Learning and innovation In and from
the web
Programming to learn
1. Scopes
of the Graduate Profile to Contribute to the
English I Study Program
expresses clearly in English in an oral and written forms. Identifies the main ideas
in a text or speech
and infers conclusions from
them, obtains and interprets information and gives reasons efficiently.
Communicates in English
fluently and naturally.
The high school graduate profile, expressed in
individual areas, outlines the kind of student who is being sought.
Through the achievement of learning outcomes
in this course,
the following areas
are gradually developed:
The student
expresses himself/herself clearly
in English in oral and written form.
They identify the key ideas in a text or in an oral
speech, and infers conclusions from them, the student gets and interprets information and argues efficiently. He /She communicates himself/herself in English
fluently and naturally.
student is aware
of them and determined; he/she
develops healthy interpersonal relationships, self-regulates, can face adversity and act with
efficiency and recognizes the need to ask for
They can
build a living
project with personal goals. They establish goals and seek
to take advantage
of their
options and resources. They make decisions that give him/her current comfort, opportunities, and he/she
knows how to deal with future risks.
The student works in teams in a
constructive way and applies a participative and responsible leadership,
he/she proposes alternatives to act and solve problems. The student assumes a
The students use the Information and
Communication Technologies in an ethic and responsible way to investigate, to
solve problems, to generate materials, and to express ideas. They take
advantage of
technologies to develop ideas and innovations.
2. Content Structure
Six elements of curricular
organization have been considered in the design of the study programs of the disciplinary field of Communication with the purpose
of promoting the depth of student learning; of avoiding
different curricular formats; of favoring inter- subject relationships and of bettering guidance
of the teaching practice:
Content structure
It organizes concepts, skills and attitudes of the
disciplinary fields and is the benchmark for promoting inter-subject
It generates and/or integrates
the contents and it responds to
specific organization forms to each field or discipline.
It corresponds to key learning point. It is the
highest-ranking content in the study program.
corresponds to the central contents and by their specificity; they
establish the reach and depth of their approach.
Expected learning outcomes
They are descriptors of the learning process and
performance indicators that students must achieve for each of the specific
Evidence of learning
It corresponds to
the expected learning outcomes and to
the specific contents; they
are the evidences of the achievement of the expected
learning outcomes.
The following table describes the contents teachers
must include in the lesson
plans to achieve, by the end of the
course, an A1 level of English. The table includes proposals of evidence of learning that teachers should
use as part of their
course design.
3. Contents Table of English I
Specific content
learning outcome
Evidence of learning
Students will communicate, interact, and
collaborate with others (transverse axis for all subjects from Communication
and Social Sciences as disciplinary fields).
Communication and interpersonal relationships.
Integration of learning communities
of learning communities through students' interests and
academic experiences
Collaborative work in classroom as a basis for the
integration of the learning community.
Hi, What's up! I want to know about you.
activate previous knowledge.
Students write and upload to an online blog a short
dialogue in which they use greetings and the questions What's your name?
Where are you from?
How old are you? and How do you spell…? in order for them to get to
know other individuals.
A written dialogue uploaded in an online blog in
which they use greetings and the questions What's your name? Where are you
How old are you? and How do you spell…? in order for them to get to know other individuals.
Students will communicate, interact, and
collaborate with others (transverse axis for all subjects from Communication
and Social Sciences as disciplinary fields).
Communication and interpersonal relationships.
Integration of learning communities
Contextualization of learning communities through
students' interests and academic
Collaborative work in classroom as a basis for the
integration of the learning community.
Students are required to use verb to be in present
simple, in its interrogative form to get information from other people.
Students design a survey to get information about a
person's occupation by asking about his/her name, age, and objects that the
interviewed individual uses
at work.
A survey to know about people's occupations
Specific content
learning outcome
Evidence of learning
Students will communicate, interact, and
collaborate with others (transverse axis for all subjects from Communication
and Social Sciences as disciplinary fields).
Communication and interpersonal relationships.
Integration of learning communities
Contextualization of learning communities through
students' interests and academic experiences
Collaborative work in classroom as a basis for the
integration of the learning community.
How many people are there in your family?
What do they do? What do they usually have for
Students use the affirmative form of verb to be in
present simple as well as personal pronouns to provide their own information
in written form.
Students understand the use of verb to be in
present simple in affirmative form and personal pronouns to describe people.
Students use vocabulary related to family members.
Students use possessive adjectives to talk about
their relationship with
family members.
Students use some verbs in present simple to talk about
their daily activities and other people's routines.
Students use frequency adverbs to emphasize how
often their activities are performed.
Students draw a family tree
and include basic information about themselves and two relatives (name, age,
occupation, and physical appearance).
Students include in their family tree their daily
routines by using some verbs and frequency
write about the daily routine
of two more family members, using verbs and frequency adverbs properly.
A family tree providing
students description and daily routine and the descriptions and daily
routines of two members of their families
Specific content
learning outcome
Evidence of learning
Students will communicate, interact, and
collaborate with others (transverse axis for all subjects from Communication
and Social Sciences as disciplinary fields).
Communication and interpersonal relationships.
Integration of learning communities
of learning communities through students' interests and
academic experiences
Collaborative work in classroom as a basis for the
integration of the learning community.
I have a T.V in front of my bed
Students describe their bedrooms by using indefinite articles and vocabulary related to furniture.
Students talk about things that can be found in
their bedrooms by using three sentences with there is and three others using
there are. In the sentences they also make use of adjectives, colors, and
prepositions of place to say where things are.
use the structures there is not
and there are not to talk about things that cannot be found
in their classroom.
Six sentences about three things that can be found
at home and three things that cannot be found
in the student's classroom.
The sentences include prepositions of place,
adjectives, colors, and the structures there is/ there
are/there is not/ there are not.
Providing reasonable opinions from the point of
making a text
The justification of the students’ opinion with an
The solid construction of one´s original
The argumentative
The original argumentative
My father does not work in the afternoon.
With help of
the family tree
they created before,
students write ten yes/no questions by using present simple to know about the
other students' relatives.
By using present simple, students write five
affirmative sentences and five negative sentences.
Ten interrogative sentences in present simple.
Five affirmative sentences in present simple
Five negative sentences in present simple
Technology, information, communication and
Technology and human development.
Creation and responsible usage of the information
for learning.
Creation of contents for learning.
Use of
technology to
enhance web-based learning.
The impact of technology on human development.
Responsible use of information.
Learning and innovation.
In and from the web.
Do you know about the latest and most advanced gadget?
How is the gadget? How much is it?/How much does it
Students work in teams
to use verb to
be in present simple and adjectives to describe three gadgets.
Students write four sentences (two comparative sentences in negative form and two superlative sentences)
that help them to explain which
of the three gadgets described, is the one
that best adapts to their needs.
Students write and upload to an online blog seven
sentences describing and comparing gadgets
Specific content
learning outcome
Evidence of learning
Programming to learn.
Students read a tourist guide
of a city and recognize the most important places to
ask information about
Students use prepositions of movement to express how to get to some
Reading, writing, speaking and listening.
Reading, writing and oral production as learning
sources and abilities practice.
The importance of reading to
writing production.
The importance of reading to writing in based
The importance of language and grammar role in
Argumentative text.
The text as resource information and new ideas
How can I get to the church?
Students use there is and there are to talk about
public spaces.
use indefinite articles.
Students use Wh questions and directions to
get to different public spaces.
Students use vocabulary about the name of different
Students use questions to ask for directions on how to get to
a place.
A video portraying people asking about the
existence of eight different places in a city and ask for directions to get
to those places.
Students write, perform and tape a sketch in which
they ask for the existence of eight different public venues and get
directions to arrive to
three of those places.
Key Learning Points
Providing reasonable opinions from the point of making a
The justification of the student’s
opinion with an argument.
solid construction of one´s original perspective
The argumentative writing.
The original argumentative writing
Technology, information, communication
and learning.
and human development
Generation and responsible use
of information for learning
Web-based learning
Creation of contents for learning
Use of technology to enhance web-based
impact of technology on human development
Responsible use of information
Learning and innovation In and from
the web
Programming to learn
Para apoyar nuestros aprendizajes deberás
- Descargar dos aplicaciones que jugaras TODOS LOS DÎAS, Tomarás captura a diario y al final de la semana las imprimirás como evidencia. Empezando con 5 y aumentarás 5 palabras y así sucesiva mente, si tu aprendes 5 palabras cada día al final del semestre habrás alcanzado alrededor de 500 y eso ampliará tu vocabulario y como es un juego, te divertirás sigue la liga esta en playstore... imagen solo de referencia..
- También instalarás DUOLINGO y lo jugarás a diario, tomaras captura y me la enviarás por whats cada dia de la semana, Puedes enviarme tu evidencia o No, pero al final de la semana imprimiràs todas las capturas en pequeño..
..imagen solo de referencia.
- Deberas responder un examen de diagnostico de Cambridge y capturar tus resultados
- Cuaderno forrado de Verde , con tus generales y con logotipo del CBTA sigue la liga.
- Tendrás una tarea permanente, hacer cada clase 5 verbos 5 veces cada uno en 7 tiempos, sigue la liga pues ahí encontrarás las listas de verbos de donde harás la tarea.
- Escribe en una hoja de máquina el recado para tus papás y que lo firmen ellos y tu
Anexo recado para tus padres necesito lo incluyas a tu portafolio de evidencias ya firmado, este si en tamaño medianito para que lo lea tiene valor en tu calificaciòn pues necesito que tus padres estén enterados
La Partida Coahuila a _______ de Agosto de 2018
Buen día Señor, Señora
Por este medio le envió un cordial saludo y me pongo a sus órdenes, su hijo(a) Cursará la Asignatura de Ingles I con su servidora, para lo cual necesito este enterado, apoye y autorice los procesos que desarrollaremos.
Durante el curso tendremos tres horas de clase por semana una de ellas la desarrollaremos en el Laboratorio de idiomas, Cada clase su hijo(a) deberá cumplir en forma y fecha de una tarea permanente que son 5 verbos en ingles repetidos 5 veces cada uno en siete formas diferentes, además de páginas del libro contestadas, audio grabados por whatsapp, es decir leerá lecturas del libro y me las enviará dos veces cada una. (Todas son en inglés)
ES IMPORTANTE Si por alguna razón su hijo (hija) no cuenta con celular, puede enviar su trabajo de algún otro equipo, en la escuela puede grabarlos con algún compañero, o notificarme su situación particular, así mismo si no tiene acceso a internet, en la escuela contamos con el servicio gratuito México Conectado, al cual podrá acceder en el laboratorio de computo después de sus clases en un horario de 8 a 16:00, de cualquier manera notificarme cualquier situación oportunamente.
Se desarrollarán algunos proyectos por Internet. Para demostrar el cumplimiento deberá capturar la pantalla e imprimirlas pero las impresiones deberán contener las imágenes en miniatura para que no sean muchas hojas
Así como publicación de proyectos en redes sociales FB o YouTube, siempre cuidando la integridad de su persona. También llevaremos un Libro que tiene carácter de obligatorio los cuales serán facilitados en la escuela por la editorial.
Como usted sabe estamos formando el carácter y personalidad de los jóvenes, por tal es muy importante nos apoye con el cumplimiento del reglamento escolar referente al uniforme, hombres Cabello corto sin pintura ni corte estilizado, no aretes o perforaciones, no cortes ni figuras o raya en el cabello, playera del uniforme y pantalón de mezclilla azul, no roto ni entubado o deslavado y Zapato negro, no tenis Mujeres falda del uniforme larga a la rodilla no arriba, playera del uniforme, cabello normal no pintado de colores extravagantes.
El uso del Celular está restringido a discreción dentro del salón de clase y de no cumplir podrá ser decomisado y llevado a orientación educativa hasta por dos semanas-
Para cualquier cosa me pongo a sus órdenes, con toda confianza, a través del tutor de grupo
Ing. Elsie Rodríguez Domínguez.
Nombre y Firma;_______________________________________________
Padre , Madre o Tutor
Estoy a tus órdenes para cualquier duda por whatsapp o FB
Roberto ortiz
EliminarMuy name is Gabriel a Herrera Castañeda
I'm from of torreón
Alberto Originales Hernández 1 E
ResponderEliminarHello alberto
EliminarMy name is gabriela Herrera Castañeda
I'm from of torreón
Gabriela Castañeda 1D
ResponderEliminarHello Gabriela
EliminarMy name is Daniel Hernández alamos
I am dron Matamoros
Hello Gabriela
EliminarMy name is Gloria Hernández
I'm from of Matamoros
ResponderEliminarMy name is Daniel Hernández alamos
I am dron Matamoros
Gloria Hernández 1 l