sábado, 12 de marzo de 2016


Con las "tag questions " en inglés terminamos las frases con una pregunta corta, de signo contrario, la cual se usa para pedir la opinión o buscar la aprobación del interlocutor. Equivalen en español a: ¿no es verdad?, ¿no?, ¿no es así?
Nota: Es muy importante que identifiques el Auxiliar y el tiempo en que se presenta la oración.
Podemos hacer preguntas añadidas con los auxiliares y en distintos tiempos o Modos:
                  Si la oración  es POSITIVA  .....    Tag Question es NEGATIVA
              Si la oración es NEGATIVA   .....    Tag Question es POSITIVA                                                                             
Sujeto + Auxiliar ( sea positivo o negativo) + Verbo en modo simple, (LA COMA INDICA LA TAG QUESTION)    aux + sujeto+?
Para mayor ilustración visita los siguientes links:

Postive sentences, with negative tags
Present simple 'be'She's Italian, isn't she?
Present simple other verbsThey live in London, don't they?
Present continuousWe're working tomorrow, aren't we?
Past simple 'be'It was cold yesterday, wasn't it?
Past simple other verbsHe went to the party last night, didn't he?
Past continuousWe were waiting at the station, weren't we?
Present perfectThey've been to Japan, haven't they?
Present perfect continuousShe's been studying a lot recently, hasn't she?
Past perfectHe had forgotten his wallet, hadn't he?
Past perfect continuousWe'd been working, hadn't we?
Future simpleShe'll come at six, won't she?
Future continuousThey'll be arriving soon, won't they?
Future perfectThey'll have finished before nine, won't they?
Future perfect continuousShe'll have been cooking all day, won't she?
ModalsHe can help, can't he?
ModalsJohn must stay, mustn't he?
Negative sentences, with positive tags
Present simple 'be'We aren't late, are we?
Present simple other verbsShe doesn't have any children, does she?
Present continuousThe bus isn't coming, is it?
Past simple 'be'She wasn't at home yesterday, was she?
Past simple other verbsThey didn't go out last Sunday, did they?
Past continuousYou weren't sleeping, were you?
Present perfectShe hasn't eaten all the cake, has she?
Present perfect continuousHe hasn't been running in this weather, has he?
Past perfectWe hadn't been to London before, had we?
Past perfect continuousYou hadn't been sleeping, had you?
Future simpleThey won't be late, will they?
Future continuousHe'll be studying tonight, won't he?
Future perfectShe won't have left work before six, will she?
Future perfect continuousHe won't have been travelling all day, will he?
ModalsShe can't speak Arabic, can she?
ModalsThey mustn't come early, must they?

Ahora completa los siguientes ejercicios

1. Identifica el tiempo de la oración
2. Separa los elementos sujeto, verbo, auxiliar
3. Completa las Tag questions.
1. She’s from a small town in China,____________ ?
2.They aren’t on their way already,____________ ?
3.We’re late again , _____________ ?
4.I’m not the person with the tickets,__________ ?
5.Julie isn’t an accountant, _____________ ?
6.He’s very handsome,________________?
7.The weather is really bad today,_____________ ?
8.He’s very handsome, _____________ ?
9.They aren’t in Mumbai at the moment,________ ?
10.You can't answer all the questions,___________ ?
11.You will help me to do the dishes, ___________ ?
12.He believes you, _____________ ?
13.The teacher should explain the lesson,________ ?
14.The boy didn't know the lesson, _____________ ?
15.Bob frightened you, _____________ ?
16.You can speak English well, _____________ ?
17.She couldn't arrange that, _____________ ?
18.You won't tell him, _____________ ?
19.He shouldn't do it, _____________ ?
20.You will help me to do the dishes,____________ ?

Para la semana del 14 al 18 de Marzo

realizar los ejercicios de Audio de las páginas 

24,26,27 (1 y 2), 30,31,32y33

ya sabes la dinámica me envias tu grabación, yo la 

escucho, te envio un audio lo recibes y das play y 

pones atención en las palabras trata de leer al mismo 

tiempo que escuchas la grabación, practicas y te 

grabas otra vez y me lo envías. por último redactas 

por mensaje tu retroalimentación.

Para el Portafolio entrando de vacaciones revisaremos:

  • Teoría de Tag Questions
  • Ejercicios resueltos de tag questions
  • Captura de Audios
  • Libro contestado hasta página 33.
SÍNTESIS (en español me exprersas los aprendizajes 

que logramos, tus problemas y como los resolviste, en

que podemos mejorar y que te parecen las actividades


Estoy a tus órdenes para cualquier duda por whatsapp o FB

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