sábado, 25 de agosto de 2018

Semana 1 Cómo presentarse en ingles/ Saludos y despedidas/ Puntos extra!!( A Day at school) Ingles I

Estoy muy emocionada, son una generación bastante trabajadora, me da ilusión este semestre

Esta es la lista de cotejo que vas a copiar y pegar en tu portafolio de evidencias..

Lista de Cotejo Semana 1
Capturas de duolingo 7.....1
Capturas de wordbit 250 palabras mínimo...1
Verbos en tu cuaderno 45 minimo.........1
Audios 4............................................  1
Tabla de estructuras ................  1
Comentario en ingles en este blog .....3
Actividad ConstruyeT......................... 1

Estas actividades  las calificaremos en la semana del 6 al 10 de Septiembre  en la última clase hábil que tengamos....

Para empezar un tema hay que romper el hielo, pues veamos que hay de ti...

1.Observa el siguiente video y repitelo!!!
 Enviame el audio en whatsapp, Te vas a Grabar en dos momentos diferentes , una sin practicar y otra cuando lo hayas hecho en total DOS VECES ,cuando lo grabes puede ser al mismo tiempo que lo reproduces, es un ejercicio de listening and speaking
para lo cual escribe un mensaje previo antes de enviar el audio para saber que contiene,..ejemplo:
 Teacher This is the audio greetings and farewells/ Miss este es el audio del video de Saludos y despedidas.

Tomarás captura y las imprimes en pequeño para tu portafolio.para accesar da click en el enlace NO en la foto, y espera un poquito tarda en aparecer la imagen es solo de referencia

2.Observa este video y repitelo!!!
Enviame el audio en whatsapp, 
Te vas a Grabar en dos momentos diferentes , una sin practicar y otra cuando lo hayas hecho en total DOS VECES
para lo cual escribe un mensaje de texto previo, antes de que envies el audio ..ejemplo:
 Teacher This is te audio of how to introduce myself/ Miss este es el audio del video de  Como presentarse en Ingles,para accesar da click en el enlace NO en la foto, y espera un poquito tarda en aparecer la imagen es solo de referencia
Tomarás captura para tu portafolio y las imprimirás en pequeño
en la misma página esta escrito el contenido, atrevete a explorarlo....

Después que los mandaste,scribeme por Mensaje escrito una reflexion, es decir como te sientes trabajando con audios, y mi forma de trabajar, TE AVISO..no diminuiré la intensidad pero tienes la libertad de opinar y me interesa conocerte, gracias.

2. Una vez que enviaste los Audios y reflexión escribiras aqui en este blog un comentario
Debe ser un texto Breve En Ingles respecto a tu información Personal,nombre, grupo, edad, de donde eres (Recuerda no deberas ser especifico en este punto ya que se queda en internet Cuidado!!), gustos e ideales para tu vida. Debes responder a dos de tus compañeros mínimo
observa estos puntos .. este es el aprendizaje esperado así es que tiene mucho valor...

Presentarse en inglés profesionalmente: Consejos 

Si quieres presentarte en inglés como un profesional, es conveniente que sigas estos consejos:
  • Prepara tu presentación. Escribe en un papel qué vas a decir, tú mejor que nadie sabe quién eres y a qué te dedicas, pero no debes dejar nada a la suerte.
  • Sé breve. Tu presentación no debe ser muy larga, no se trata de dar un discurso, ni de detallar punto a punto tu curriculum vitae.
  • Repite tu nombre un par de veces. Mucha gente tiene verdaderas dificultades para recordar el nombre de la persona que acaba de conocer, si durante la conversación mencionas tu nombre un par de veces les será mucho más fácil.
  • Habla alto y claro. El inglés es tu segundo idioma, hazlo fácil para ti y para quien te escucha, no hables para el cuello de tu camisa.
  • Adapta tu presentación al contexto en el que te encuentres. No vale aprenderse tres frases de memoria y soltarlas como un papagayo cada vez que surja la ocasión. No es lo mismo una reunión de trabajo informal, una entrevista, o una reunión con un cliente.
3Tabla de estructuras en hoja de máquina y dentro de protector plástico..

4. Actividad ConstruyeT.... Durante la semana realizaremos la actividad 2.2 del Programa ConstruyeT de la dimensión Autoconocimiento. "Mis metas personales a corto, mediano y largo plazo".
Debes descargarla e imprimirla la realizaremos en la semana. sigue la liga
imagen sólo de referencia da click en la liga... Deberás dejar un comentario en la página de construyeT, ese lo calificaré la proxima semana, ya sabes toma captura, nombre y cbta1
OJO es la 2.2 da click ahi, por favor!!!

5. Puntos extra!!!
 Valor .25
sigue el link y resuelve los ejercicios..

No Olvides
-  Seguir practicando Duolingo, y wordbit, revisa y captura e imprime tus avances.
- Tu Tarea Permanente!!

Por favor registra tu entrada comentando tu nombre en comentarios...!!!

domingo, 19 de agosto de 2018

Bienvenidos a Ingles III

Pues un Semestre más, nuevos retos nuevas experiencias, como ya sabes trabajaremos con un blog en el cual yo ire poniendo el trabajo a realizar
Te presento el programa.

1. Purpose of the Disciplinary Area of Communication

The basic disciplinary competence of communication is related to the student`s ability to communicate effectively in Spanish and in a second language in different contexts, using distinct means and instruments.
The learners who have developed this competence can read critically, communicate and support his/her own ideas in an effective way with clear speaking and writing. In addition to these, they will use the information and communication technologies with a critical thinking for different purposes.
The competence of communication leads to analyze the nature of the language and as a tool for logical thinking.

2. Purpose of the English III study program

By the end of the third semester of English the student reads, writes, understands and exchanges information about him/herself and others according to the context and time he/she is situated.

Key Learning Points
Students will communicate, interact, and collaborate with others (transverse axis for all subjects from Communication and Social Sciences as disciplinary fields).
Communication and interpersonal relationships.

Integration of learning communities Contextualization of learning
communities through students'
interests and academic experiences
Collaborative work in classroom as a basis for the integration of the learning community.
Reading, writing, speaking and listening.
Reading, writing and oral production as learning sources and abilities practice.

The importance of reading to writing production.

The importance of reading to writing in based argument
The importance of language and grammar role in it.

Argumentative text.

The text as resource information and new ideas
Providing reasonable opinions from the point of making a text
The justification of the students’ opinion with an argument.

The solid construction of one´s original perspective.
The argumentative writing.

The original argumentative writing.


Technology, information, communication and learning.
Technology and human development.

Generation and responsible use of information for learning.

Web-based learning.

Creation of contents for learning.

Use of technology to enhance web-based learning.
The impact of technology on human development.

Responsible use of information. Learning and innovation.
In and from the web. Programming to learn.

3.     Scopes of the Graduate Profile to Contribute to the English III Study Program

He/She expresses clearly in English in an oral and written forms. Identifies the main ideas in a text or speech and infers conclusions from them, obtains and interprets information and gives reasons
efficiently. Communicates in English fluently and naturally.

Additionally, in a transversal way it will benefit the gradual development of the following scopes:

The student expresses himself/herself clearly in English in oral and written form. They identify the key ideas in a text or in an oral speech, and infers conclusions from them, the student gets and interprets information and
argues efficiently. He /She communicates himself/herself in English fluently and naturally.
The student is aware of them and determined; he/she develops healthy interpersonal relationships, self- regulates, can face adversity and act with efficiency and recognizes the need to ask for support. They can build a living project with personal goals. They establish goals and seek to take advantage of their options and resources. They make decisions that give him/her current comfort, opportunities, and he/she knows how to
deal with future risks.
The student works in teams in a constructive way and applies a participative and responsible leadership, he/she proposes alternatives to act and solve problems. The student assumes a constructive attitude.
The students use the Information and Communication Technologies in an ethical and responsible way to investigate, to solve problems, to generate materials, and to express ideas. They take advantage of these technologies to develop ideas and innovations.


4. Content Structure

Six elements of curricular organization have been considered in the design of the study programs of the disciplinary field of Communication with the purpose of promoting the depth of student learning; of avoiding different curricular formats; of favoring inter-subject relationships and of bettering guidance of the teaching practice:

Content structure


It organizes concepts, skills and attitudes of the disciplinary fields and is the benchmark for promoting inter-subject relationships.

It generates and/or integrates the contents and it responds to specific organization forms to each field or discipline.

It corresponds to key learning point. It is the highest-ranking content in the study program.
Specific content
It corresponds to the central contents and by their specificity; they establish the reach and depth of their approach.
Expected learning outcomes
They are descriptors of the learning process and performance indicators that students must achieve for each of the specific contents.
Evidence of learning
It corresponds to the expected learning outcomes and to the specific contents; they are the evidences of the achievement of the expected learning outcomes.

The following table describes the contents teachers must include in the lesson plans to achieve, by the end of the course, an A2 level of English. The table includes proposals of evidence of learning that teachers should use as part of their course design.

5.  Contents Table of English III

English III
Specific content
learning outcome
Evidence of learning
Reading, writing,
The importance
He/ She
Given two
speaking &
writing and
of language and
describes and
subjects or
grammar role
with different
objects from

production as
in it.
objects and
the same


subjects of
category (TV

sources and



English III
Specific content
Expected learning
Evidence of learning


The importance of reading to writing production.

The importance of reading to writing in based

The text as resource information and new ideas.

movies, etc.) students elaborate a paragraph where they describe and compare the subjects between each other.
The creation of a reasoning opinion starting a text elaboration.
The justification of the students’ opinion with an argument.

The solid construction of one´s original perspective.
Describe places of interest in order to get the most relevant information and express opinions in future time.
Select the best places to visit and make decisions about knowing different countries around the world.
What are you going to do? Tell us about your future plans.
(will / going to)
Students make and arguments about the main reason to visit those places around the world and to know about the culture of the place.
A student elaborates a collage with graphic content and exposes the main reasons they have to visit their places of interest.
The creation of a reasoning opinion starting
with a text elaboration
The justification of the students’ opinion with an argument.

The solid construction of one´s original perspective.
The use of formal and informal situations in different contexts.
What is your opinion about impositions?
What abilities do you have? (modals)
Students use the modals to communicate abilities and possibilities in different contexts.
Given a context such as restaurants, hospitals, museums and others, the student writes a dialogue where he can make the difference
among can, could and


English III
Specific content
Expected learning
Evidence of learning

have to in
different contexts.
Communicating, implicating and collaborating with others (transversal
axis for all subjects in the communication disciplinary field as well as social sciences).
Communicati on and interpersonal relationships.

Integration of learning communities.

Contextualiza tion of learning communities through students' interests and academic experiences.
Recognize different experiences in which the student answers in a polite and informal way depending on the situation.
It is better to sound polite and not demanding. (want/would like)
Students make requests in a formal or informal way depending where he/she is at.
Writing and performing a situation at the mall.
Role-play where Student –A- is an employee Student –B- is a customer.
Communicating, implicating and collaborating with others (transversal
axis for all subjects in the communication disciplinary field as well
as social sciences)
Communicati on and interpersonal relationships.

Integration of learning communities

Contextualiza tion of learning communities through students' interests and academic experiences.
Identified multiples uses of verbs ending with ing and be able to elaborate a survey deducing the differences among verb in gerund and infinitive.
Expressing preferences and hobbies. (Verbs -ing / verbs in inf.).
Students talk about what they like to do in their everyday context, they can also share their ideas to others about what they don’t like to do and make questions to find out that information among other people.

The student distinguishes and uses verbs followed by
gerund and verbs followed
Students elaborate and do a survey with their classmates about what they like to do, the questions should have a limitation of time and place, for example: What do you like to do after school? Afterwards, they report the collected answers to
the rest of the class, trying


English III
Specific content
Expected learning
Evidence of learning

by infinitive in
to find

elaborating a



A student

selects and

elaborates a


organizer by

teams where

they write

examples of

the verbs

followed by


forms and the

ones followed

by –ing

Reading, writing,
Choose what
What spare
A student
A personal
speaking &
writing and
spare time
time activities
interview of
do you do on a
when, where
activities that

production as
students are
and how often
talk about the

able to do on a
he or she

sources and
carries out
time and

Design a survey

spare time
place of going

practice. The
in order to

to the movies,


do any sport,

of reading to

watch a T.V.



Read and

going out


with friends,


etc., and

of reading to
and analyze

elaborates an

writing in


about their


Create an
Making logical
Students can
Given a
implicating and
on and
express facts,
situation in
(Zero & first
they can also
(text, video,
with others
order students
use a different

are able to

time tense to


English III
Specific content
Expected learning
Evidence of learning
axis for all subjects
in the communication disciplinary field as well as social sciences).
Integration of
learning communities.

Contextualiza tion of learning communities through students' interests and academic experiences.
make logical
conclusions and express experiences describing causes and effect.

identify and
express real situations and their logical conclusion.
elaborate a
set of rules or facts that follow a logical order and lead to a specific result, describing cause and effect.
Given a different situation that is not completed yet, students write sentences inferring the possible result.
The creation of a Reasoning opinion starting with a text elaboration.
The justification of the students’ opinion with an argument.

The solid construction of one´s original perspective.
Students can express facts that are always true, such as rules or facts.

What life experiences do you have?
What personal activities did you start six months ago and you still do? (Present perfect)
A Student identifies activities that started sometime in the past but haven’t
concluded yet and have an impact in his or her present in a time line.
A survey: Students walk around the class getting information of activities that started in the past but have an impact in the present, and report the information obtained.
Analyze how to
Do you know
A student
A student
implicating and
on and
express an idea
you can express
expresses the
writes a
in two different
one same idea
same ideas
letter to a
with others
situations using
using different
with different
friend talking

phrasal verbs.
words? See
about a past
axis for all subjects

how to….

in the

(phrasal verbs)



English III
Specific content
Expected learning
Evidence of learning
disciplinary field as well as social sciences.
Integration of
learning communities.

Contextualiza tion of learning communities through students' interests and academic experiences

he/she writes
another letter to a teacher saying the same message but using different vocabulary.

Para apoyar nuestros aprendizajes deberás 
  1. Descargar dos aplicaciones que jugaras TODOS LOS DÎAS, Tomarás captura a diario y al final de la semana las imprimirás como evidencia. Empezando con 5 y aumentarás 5 palabras y así sucesiva mente, si tu aprendes 5 palabras cada día al final del semestre habrás alcanzado alrededor de 500 y eso ampliará tu vocabulario y como es un juego, te divertirás sigue la liga esta en playstore...Resultado de imagen para word bit app  imagen solo de referencia..https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.wordbit.enes&hl=es
  2. También instalarás DUOLINGO y lo jugarás a diario, tomaras captura y me la enviarás por whats cada dia de la semana, Puedes enviarme tu evidencia o No, pero al final de la semana imprimiràs todas las capturas en pequeño..
    ..imagen solo de referencia.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.duolingo&hl=es_419.
  1. Deberas responder un examen de diagnostico de Cambridge y capturar tus resultadoshttp://www.cambridgeenglish.org/es/test-your-english/adult-learners/
  2. Cuaderno forrado  de Verde , con tus generales y con logotipo del CBTA sigue la liga.https://roma-actividades.blogspot.mx/2016/09/logotipo-cbta-1-dr-mario-castro-gilla.html 
  3. Tendrás una tarea permanente, hacer cada clase 5 verbos 5 veces cada uno en 7 tiempos, sigue la liga pues ahí encontrarás las listas de verbos de donde harás la tarea.https://roma-actividades.blogspot.mx/2017/02/
Explicación del uso de APP`s, sigue la liga

Anexo recado para tus padres necesito lo incluyas a tu portafolio de evidencias  ya firmado, este si en tamaño medianito para que lo lea tiene valor en tu calificaciòn pues necesito que tus padres estén enterados

La Partida Coahuila a _______ de Agosto de 2018
Buen día Señor, Señora
Por este medio le envió un cordial saludo y me pongo a sus órdenes,  su hijo(a) Cursará la Asignatura de Ingles I con su servidora, para lo cual necesito este enterado, apoye y autorice los procesos que desarrollaremos.
Durante el curso tendremos tres horas de clase por semana una de ellas la desarrollaremos en el Laboratorio de idiomas, Cada clase su hijo(a) deberá cumplir en forma y fecha de una tarea permanente que son 5 verbos en ingles repetidos 5 veces cada uno en siete formas diferentes, además de páginas del libro contestadas, audio grabados por whatsapp, es decir leerá lecturas del libro y me las enviará dos veces cada una. (Todas son en inglés)
 ES IMPORTANTE Si por alguna razón su hijo (hija) no cuenta con celular, puede enviar su trabajo de algún otro equipo, en la escuela puede grabarlos con algún compañero, o notificarme su situación particular, así mismo si no tiene acceso a internet, en la escuela contamos con el servicio gratuito México Conectado, al cual podrá acceder en el laboratorio de computo después de sus clases en un horario de 8 a 16:00, de cualquier manera notificarme cualquier situación  oportunamente.
 Se desarrollarán algunos proyectos por Internet. Para demostrar el cumplimiento deberá capturar la pantalla e imprimirlas pero las impresiones deberán contener las imágenes en miniatura para que no sean muchas hojas
Así como publicación de proyectos en redes sociales FB o YouTube, siempre cuidando la integridad de su persona. También continuaremos con el libro del Semestre anterior, y después del segundo periodo sacaremos copias de un Libro que tiene carácter de obligatorio para apoyar la economía.
Como usted sabe estamos formando el carácter y personalidad de los jóvenes, por tal es muy importante nos apoye con el cumplimiento del reglamento escolar referente al uniforme, hombres Cabello corto sin pintura ni corte estilizado, no aretes o perforaciones,  no cortes ni figuras o raya en el cabello, playera del uniforme y pantalón de mezclilla azul, no roto ni entubado o deslavado y Zapato negro, no tenis  Mujeres falda del uniforme larga a la rodilla no arriba, playera del uniforme, cabello normal no pintado de colores extravagantes.
El uso del Celular está restringido a discreción dentro del salón de clase y de no cumplir podrá ser decomisado y llevado a orientación educativa hasta por dos semanas-
Para cualquier cosa me pongo a sus órdenes, con toda confianza, a través del tutor de grupo
Ing. Elsie Rodríguez Domínguez.      
Nombre y Firma;_______________________________________________

Padre , Madre o Tutor

Estoy a tus órdenes para cualquier duda por whatsapp o FB